Debate is Fun!
Spark lively discussions, not arguments!
Our expertly moderated debates offer stimulating intellectual engagement for participants and attendees alike. Explore thought-provoking topics (no politics!) while fostering social interaction and mental stimulation.
Simple & Rewarding: Residents choose topics, our host keeps it civil and engaging.
Sample Debate Topics:
- Space: Colonize Mars or explore deeper?
- Happiness: Can money buy it? Debate the meaning of happiness.
- Travel: Cruise vs. backpack: Luxury vs. budget adventure.
- Music: Which decade reigns supreme: 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s?
"Our residents really enjoyed our debate! Everlong Learning Circle's debate moderator did a great job meeting with our participants before the event to ensure the process was well understood, and we had a ton of audience participation!"
Mandi Quinn, Activities Director Dayton Five-Star Residencies